
Dec 27, 2012



Thanks to you I have now passed 2,000 page views!  I am so thankful for each and every one of you who have visited Living With Color Designs Blog and made that happen.

I hope you will continue to check back again and again.  I promise to have plenty of colorful interior design ideas. You can look for posts on great local shopping finds.  I will have my first official interview with a shop owner who carries awesome brands.  I love finding out about other creative people, what motivates them and how they got where they are today.  As I hit the roads for more out and about posts I have offers from family and friends to come along for the ride. That should be more times the fun.  I am excited about sharing more on entertaining and of course I can't do this blog without my family, so I am sure you will hear and see more about them.  It's a journey.  Thanks for being a part of it.  - Marianne