May 19, 2014
What Have I Been Up To?
I have been working on a website redesign. I'm really really excited about it. Has it been challenging? Yes! But isn't that always the way when you try something new? Exciting, challenging and a little bit scary.
There have been days during this process that have been loads of fun(I love the visual design aspect, mapping things out, cutting and glueing the mock up). There have been days of frustration that lead to tears(technology makes make me crazy and don't even get me started on selecting templates that only after you have purchased do you find out the examples shown were full of customizations). There have been days of meeting new people and making new connections as I hired professionals after finally realizing that all the self eduction in the world was not going to get me where I wanted to be(they have truly exercised great patient in working with me to develop my artistic vision and have all things working just right.) I'm going to stick to Interior Design.
All of this has come about as I realized a need to transition my blog to wordpress so that all things will work well to add followers and to add comments because I look forward to hearing from you about how you love color in your interiors or lifestyle. Changes are coming soon. - Marianne
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