
Mar 17, 2014

Green Is The Color Of The Day

Magenta slipper chair Ethan Allen

In Honor of St Patricks Day green will be the color of the day! An obvious choice I know.  Green is a comforting color from nature and it easily finds it's way into our homes and our lives.  I decided just to go through my picture archives and give you a little green inspiration.  Beginning with the picture above taken in the beautiful  Ethan Allen Store in Alpharetta, GA.  This beautiful green wall made a perfect back drop for shades of pink and floral fancy.

Article 24 painted furniture

Painted furniture has certainly found a permanent place in the home furnishings industry.  These pieces are from a hot new line Article 24. Love the chest in a modern citrine shade of green with traditional fretwork.

Barbara Cosgrove lamp Artisan Glass Bottle/ Silvered
Barbars Cosgrove Hammered Silver lamp base

These two stunning lamps are from Barbara Cosgrove.  You can choose your own shade color but I do like this green.  One base is the Artisan Glass Bottle / Silvered and the other base is the Hammered Silver.

antique green glass dish

There is no shortage of green in vintage items also.  Items pictured here were seen at one time at The Collector's Antiques Mall in Asheboro NC

Antique glass, green wool pillows on a midcentury chair, and vintage outdoor furniture with a coat of green.
Midcentury modern chair with green wool pillows

You will not have to look far to find fabrics in shades  of green.

Fabrics with green background and flowers

Tone on tone green fabrics

Green looks great with all the beautiful colors of spring flowers like the rose and violet colors in the fabric above.

Tone on tone fabrics in green leave your options open for adding additional color to a room.

Fabrics were located at 1502 Fabrics  and Printer's Alley.

Bright ikat fabric in green pink ant turquoise

Ikat designs just keep going strong.  This fabric above is impressive with lime green, hot pink, and turquoise.

Original floral painting from Brightside Gallery

A beautiful original painting was seen at the Brightside Gallery in Asheboro.  They are an art gallery and gift shop.  If you are ever in Asheboro NC drop in, it will be a treat.  They carry work from many great artisans.
Floating flower arrangement

I will end this green inspiration with the picture of these pretty flowers which were part of the decorations we did for my daughters wedding.  Floating petals are a simple but elegant way to decorate. It was quite an undertaking to do the flowers and decorations while being the father and mother of the bride but it was a requested part of her big day. With additional help from a friend we pulled it off.  You can check out  the post here to see more pictures of her beautiful September wedding.

Happy St Patrick's Day.  I hope I have you seeing green.   -  Marianne

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