
Feb 25, 2014

Tuesday's With Mom

 daisies in vase

I had a lovely morning sharing breakfast with Mom.  One of the blessing I reap from our families life changes is that I now have the flexibility and time to get together more often with the people I love. I especially enjoy the extra time I have recently had with my Mom.

Our few occasional outings to get breakfast have now turned into a once a week regular routine.  Today we tried to figure out how we ended up usually meeting on Tuesday's.  We laughed and realized that our favorite go-to place is closed on Monday's and we then seize the first opportunity of the week to go.

tulips in a vase

I love how life evolves. Who would have guessed that me and my 83 year old mother would be synced up to the free wifi and I would be guiding her through the subtleties of  making a "post" on a Facebook page verses "messaging" someone and then schooling her to "share" recipes you like on Facebook so you can find them again later on your wall.  Of course all of this is knowledge that was passed down to me from my young adult children.  My sisters and I are just thrilled that she finally agreed to try an iPad after a few years of our insisting she would love it.  My mother is a beloved retired teacher.  And I mean beloved.  My memories are peppered with all the occasions when I would be out and about with my mother and people would come up to her and share how much they loved her class and how she was their favorite teacher.  So I am feeling honored to have an opportunity to send a little teaching her way.

tulips daisies and cabbage arrangement

Life can be short, so I am trying to seize as many of these opportunities as I can with family and friends.

I'm feeling blessed to have breakfast with Mom.   -  Marianne

Touches of Spring.  Pictures are of flower arrangements at The Table Farmhouse Bakery.

Photographs and content are property of Living With Color Designs

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