
Feb 10, 2014

Transform Your Photographs Into Watercolors

Michael Kors pocketbook watercolor
Photo turned into a watercolor by the Waterlogue app

It never ceases to amaze me how much joy an app that cost $2.99 can bring me. Like this one called Waterlogue. I found out about it from one of my Chi-O sisters on Facebook. Thanks Suzanne! It is so much fun you may have trouble stopping yourself from converting all your photos into watercolors.  I randomly took this picture of my pocketbook one day when I was fidgeting with my iPad camera. Since it beholds one of my favorite fashion colors I thought I would see how the color transcended when the app converted it to watercolor. I have to say I was pretty impressed. It turned an ordinary picture of a pocketbook on a bed to a work of art.

Michael Kors Pocketbook in Poppy
original photo of the pocketbook

So after being amazed by a pocketbook photo I knew I had to use the Waterlogue app on some interior design photographs. I really like the results of these pictures. My mind sees furniture as art anyway. Check out the artful transformations below.

interiors photos transformed into watercolors by Waterlogue app
Interior Design photographs transformed into watercolor by the Waterlogue app

After interior shots my mind wonders about outdoor shots. Yes, the wheels never stop turning in this head. I thought these were equally great. I could see small prints of these framed for display.

front porch
front porch

sidewalk landing
sidewalk landing with potted plants and adirondack chair

Peonies photo transformed to watercolor
This was an up-close photo of a peony  in my yard.

I tried using some photo's with peoples faces in them but I was not thrilled with the results. The Waterlogue site recommends, for faces, to crop into your shot and make it predominately about the face. This should result in a more detailed colorful result. They have a wonderful help page that answers all types of questions you might have about the app.

I decided to print a few out and see how they looked.  I just used some nicer paper I had that had a little texture to it and they looked great.  Waterlogue suggest two options for printing: Apples iPhoto Print Products and for really large prints CanvasPop

You can check out some of their favorites at Made With Waterlogue. And they also have a blog: Waterlogue Photography Distilled.

Undaunted by the results of the photo's with my precious grandchildren's faces I searched to see what other types of photos I had on my iPad.(I guess you can tell this is getting addicting.) I found plenty of pictures from Christmas and you all know how we love those. Last two I will share. I promise.

ornaments removed from the tree
teachers gifts tied in ribbon with greenery and winterberry
Go ahead. Get the app and have fun transforming your pictures into watercolors too.  It almost makes me feel like an artist.   -  Marianne

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