A few years back my husband and I started a new tradition. We take a trip and spend a day just for us at The Streets at Southpoint in Durham NC. We stroll down the outdoor Main Street where the lights twinkle and holiday tunes stream through the air. This is completely a no agenda day. No list to check off. No rush to get home. Just a chance to be together. We enjoy stepping in and out of shops, soaking in the scenery, and purchasing a few items that scream "take me home". We end the day at our favorite restaurant, Maggiano's Little Italy. All stuffed we load back in our car and ride home quite contently.
Retail displays have gotten so creative and since I always shop with a camera I take a lot of pictures of them. I know, another one of my little quirks revealed. But lucky you. Look below and you can enjoy some of my favorites.
These wooly trees are so interesting. A cross between curly sheep locks and dreadlocks.
Mercury glass never fails to please with its silvery shimmer and reflection.
Window shopping is a great way to get ideas for your own home. I will admit to picking up a little inspiration of my own from time to time.
As you can see you can't go wrong with sticks and twigs. Buy them, pick them up in your yard, spray paint them or use them natural. Any way you like it will be just fine. The beauty is they can work with modern or traditional interiors.
What child could not have sweet dreams in this bed from Pottery Barn Kids?
The chalkboard craze has me running to get some Valspar chalkboard paint and digging to find my scrapbooking lettering guide books. I want to write cool things in chalk too. Chalkboards and old-fashioned lettering is showing up everywhere. Check out Tanamachi Studio's web site. Amazing work.
Hey Santa, check out the necklace on the right. I would love to see that under my tree. And this little owl sure is a cutie.
Well I will end with the worst picture of the day but one of the most interesting displays I saw. Trust me I tried everything I could think of to get a good shot. I even went back after dinner to try again. But I know you can get the gist of it. Birds nests, snow, ornaments and limbs...just perfect. - Marianne
Photo's taken at Pottery Barn, Pottery Barn Kids, Restoration Hardware, Anthropology, Crate and Barrel. (Various locations and times)
All photographs property of Living With Color Designs.